Data Science
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Data Science Staff
Bill Prisbrey
Data Scientist
Joined the U: |
September 2021
Previous Position(s): |
President and Chief Markting Officer,
Exhalent Diagnostics
College Degree(s): |
Masters of Information Systems, U of U
Masters of Business Administration, BYU
Bachelors of Chemical Engineering, U of I
Favorite Computer
Language or App:
I work primarily in the “R” programming
language, and am learning the “Shiny”
interactive app to make data science more accessible.
Tyler Ford
Data Science & Machine Learning Architect
Joined the U: |
January 2016
Previous Position(s): |
Senior Database Administrator, U of U
College Degree(s): |
Bachelors of Information Technology, UVU
Favorite Computer
Language or App:
Spark lights up everything.